Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Mortgage Market Guide

GREENVILLE, NC - This week, I'd like to let everyone know about the newest tool that I have as a mortgage loan officer that helps me provide superior service to my clients. It's called Mortgage Market Guide. Everyday, I receive a market update informing me of what's going on in the market and what it's effect will be on the mortgage rates. I get weekly marketing tips and ideas on how to improve my business and the business of those I work with.

Probably the best service that they provide is up to the minute mortgage bond quotes and charts. This allows me to see what is going on with mortgage bonds how those changes are immediately effecting the interest rates. This allows me to give the best and most educated advice to my customers on whether now is a good time to lock their rate or not. It's not a crystal ball, but it's about as close as one can hope to get! Below is a sample chart showing how mortgage bonds have been trading over the past quarter. Obviously, there's been a lot of fluctuation recently.

Feel free to call or email me if you have questions about how these bonds effect the mortgage rates and how this could effect you as a borrower.

(Mortgages in Greenville, NC)

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